A weekend spent in the Blue Mountains was my present 4 years ago, and I have to say that nothing much in Leura and Katoomba has changed much since. The air was so crisp and refreshing and it was nice to see greenery all around. Some of the trees were even changing colours because here, it's the start of autumn. I believe it made us a bit giddy for our stay. Or maybe it was because we were there for love? Who knows!
The wedding itself was beautiful and simple. It was a perfect day (sunny, warm but not too warm) at the Silvermere (a friend's parents place) and there was almost no drama expect for the cake. Have a look here:
I was a little stressed out to suddenly be the "cake saviour" as the groom's mother shouted when she saw me walk in just before the wedding. I've only been a baker by 2 months, and really, I'm still learning a lot on the job, and am by far not yet specialized in wedding cake crisis management. In the end, everything was alright though. I managed to do a good job, the cake was beautiful, the bride was happy, and I was relived.
As soon as everything was alright, I managed to breath a little bit better and have fun with everyone. I even had some cake!
cute picture!